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- T H E G A M E S M A S T E R S Y S T E M
- OCTOBER 1998
- Welcome to the latest GMS release. This latest version includes the
- following enhancements:
- + Music support added by G.W Thomassen.
- + Completely new ObjectFile format. Develop your object definitions
- using standard text files!
- + Now you can draw Bitmap pixels using the fastest possible native
- routines.
- + Inspector now supports all of the system objects.
- + Highly evolved pens support - draw transparent circles, shadow squares,
- sparkling shapes and create your own custom effects.
- Please see the end of this document for a list of all changes to V2.1.
- The latest news is that support for AMOS is due in November, through Peter
- Cahill's "The Game Extension". Gøran Thomassen is working on compact disc
- support, so you will soon be able to play your favourite CD's as well as
- the standard music modules. Look out for a review of GMS in the latest
- issue of Amiga Informer as well.
- Note for Dice users: Copy the GMSDev:Includes/lib/tags.o to your DLIB:
- directory. In future you will now need to link your programs with this
- file, or alternatively specify "#define _DCCTAGS TRUE" at the top of your
- main source files.
- - Paul Manias
- Author of the Amiga Games Master System
- EMail: pmanias@ihug.co.nz
- WWW: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~pmanias/
- N E W S
- GMS Archives
- ------------
- Looking for the latest GMS files? Here is a list of all of the GMS files
- currently available on Aminet:
- Main
- ----
- dev/misc/gms_dev.lha Main developer archive.
- dev/misc/gms_user.lha Main user archive.
- Modules
- -------
- dev/misc/gms_sounds.lha Sound module.
- dev/misc/gms_config.lha Config module.
- dev/misc/gms_joyports.lha Joyports module.
- dev/misc/gms_strings.lha Strings module.
- dev/misc/gms_colours.lha Colours module.
- dev/misc/gms_pictures.lha Pictures module.
- dev/misc/gms_music.lha Music module.
- Documentation
- -------------
- dev/misc/gms_french.lha French Autodocs.
- Programs
- --------
- dev/e/ufo_src.lha An unfinished asteroids style game.
- Discussion List
- ---------------
- There is a discussion list available for talking about all things that are
- GMS related. This is about the only place that you can talk to other GMS
- developers, so it is worth joining. There is also a lot of inside
- information about future development, and things not mentioned here or on
- the web site.
- To join the list, point your web browser at:
- http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/gms
- Follow the on screen instructions and you will be joined to the list.
- Currently the list stands at 30 members.
- Licensing
- ---------
- Before you can distribute a game written in GMS you will need to pay a
- licence fee, which goes to the continuation of the project. Make sure that
- you read the entire licensing file before you even begin programming in
- GMS!
- Also, when distributing your program, make sure you include the file
- GMSDev:Extras/GMS_README.TXT, which tells users where to get the GMS files
- from.
- Announcement List
- -----------------
- If you just want to receive announcements of new GMS releases, please send
- an e-mail to pmanias@ihug.co.nz with "SUBSCRIBE GMS-ANNOUNCE" in the header.
- Announcements are posted around every 3-4 months when a major version
- (2.0, 3.0 etc) appears.
- PC Conversion
- -------------
- Yes, GMS is being converted to the PC as part of a multiple-platform
- development programme. This will make it possible for you to compile your
- programs on both the Amiga and the PC, and therefore earn more money :-).
- If you want to help with the conversion, write to pmanias@ihug.co.nz asking
- to help.
- Anyone want to write an editor?
- -------------------------------
- Someone other than myself needs to write the object editor for GMS. It
- will have a GUI front end and lots of boxes and windows for the user to
- enter data for all currently available structures. It needs to be able to
- write out data in the ObjectFile format (now that this is in a standard
- text format, this is very easy). Look at ObjectFiles in the autodocs for
- detailed information.
- [NB: You do get a free GMS licence for as long as you work on this.]
- Translation of autodocs
- -----------------------
- If you're interested in converting the docs to your own language, then
- write to me and I will give you my support. Currently there is only a
- French translation, so I would like a few more. The usual free GMS licence
- applies.
- Note: To anyone that would like the French documentation, go to
- Aminet and download dev/misc/gms_french.lha.
- C H A N G E S
- -----------
- 24 Aug Bumped Bitmap object up to V3.
- Bitmap->DrawPixel() and Bitmap->DrawRGBPixel() implemented. It is
- now much faster to just jump straight to these routines for C and
- asm users.
- 25 Aug Added SetPenShape()
- 30 Aug Revised the Reference structure (now V2)
- Totally new Reference file format created.
- Fixed 2 bugs in config module.
- 31 Aug Added PenLinePxl(), updated PenLine().
- 01 Sep Edited CopyBuffer() to be a bit faster.
- Enhanced picture module pixel functionality.
- 03 Sep Fixed ReadRGBPixel(), changed to ReadUCRPixel() and ReadUCPixel().
- 04 Sep All of the Bitmap->*Pixel functions are UC based (except DrawPen()).
- 05 Sep Added new demo, c/misc/3DShape.c
- Fixed ReadPixelList().
- 12 Sep Added Container and ResourceList fields to Stats structure.
- Added Idle(), GetContainer(), AddResource(), FreeResource()
- 13 Sep Init() now records the container of an object.
- 14 Sep FreeMemBlock() and Free() now return error codes.
- 16 Sep The System Task object has been created, and from now on FindDPKTask()
- will almost always return this structure when there is no current task.
- Untracked objects can now be tracked right back to the system task
- for the shut-down process.
- Added SetContext(). This changes the behaviour of Get(), AllocMemBlock()
- and other resource based functions so that they allocate their resources
- to the object currently in context.
- 19 Sep Added a MEM_RESOURCED flag. This reflects a memory block which has been
- resourced as a different type.
- Setting the context to the system task seems to have fixed our module
- loading problem.
- Modified TotalMem() so that it can count memory for any given object.
- 20 Sep Fixed pens error.
- The field structure (which belongs to the SysObject) has been modified
- to allow two new functions, GetField() and SetField().
- SysObject->FieldSize added.
- 26 Sep Inspector has been updated.
- 27 Sep Replaced CheckField() with FindField().
- 29 Sep Modified Load() so that classes that do not support CheckFile() can
- still support Load() and succeed.
- 03 Oct Fixed up IceBreaker.
- 04 Oct Added FieldDef structure for defining flags and lookup tables.
- Added SysObject->ObjectSize field.
- 05 Oct Added SysObject->ClassVersion.
- 19 Oct Music object fully implemented.
- -----------
- 11 Jul Fixed error between Task->Name memory management and StartDPK.
- The DPKTask is now a proper object and not a simple structure.
- Added GetByName(), FindObjName(), AllocObjectID(), FindReference().
- Added Reference->Activate(), Reference->Deactivate().
- 12 Jul Added CheckField(), GetField(), GetFieldName().
- 14 Jul Added MEM_NOCLEAR.
- Added FlipHBitmap(), FlipVBitmap(), PenCircle(), PenEllipse()
- Added IMG_NOCOMPARE, modified Picture unpacking code.
- Added c/blitter/circles and c/blitter/ellipse demos.
- 18 Jul Module expunging now attempts to make multiple passes.
- 19 Jul Segment loading rewritten, you can now get the correct Segment->Size
- and initialising child segments is allowed.
- Sound module released.
- 20 Jul Added CloneMemBlock().
- 21 Jul Modified the Task handling so that we can cope if tc_UserData is in
- use or is trashed.
- 23 Jul Implemented the strings module.
- 01 Aug Config module implemented.
- 02 Aug Changed Bitmap->CopyStructure() so that it will duplicate the source
- palette rather than taking a pointer (which was technically illegal).
- Added SetField(), SetFieldName().
- Added DebugOn(), DebugOff()
- Improved picture debugging.
- 03 Aug IceBreaker: Renamed NOMEM to SHOWMEM, added LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, EXTREME
- detail settings.
- 04 Aug Improved Bob error output.
- New demos: c/misc/configloader, c/misc/strings
- 14 Aug Added c/misc/colours.c
- Added c/blitter/Rabbit.c
- 16 Aug Added c/blitter/BlitArea.c
- 17 Aug Init(Bob) now checks if SrcBitmap is in blitter memory.
- 20 Aug Added Bitmap->Query().
- -----------
- The blitter now supports pen based functions such as PenPixel(), PenLine()
- etc. There is also a new function that draws rectangles. The following
- list details major changes that have been made since the last release:
- 13 Jun Depth setting in GMSPrefs changed to reflect the amount of colours.
- 20 Jun Pictures module now loads progressively rather than in one big chunk.
- The Bitmap->AmtColours field is now checked for illegal values.
- 28 Jun Completely new IceBreaker interface added. You can now observe
- what the kernel does on initialisation and expunge sequences.
- Fixed memory allocation bug in keyboard module.
- Fixed bad module function base management - memory left in system
- after a library expunge.
- 29 Jun Fixed bug in module function building for situations where the
- function list was specified as null.
- 02 Jul New demo "Source/C/Blitter/Rectangles.c".
- 03 Jul Added "Own Blitter" to the screen preferences.
- New blitter management implemented.
- 04 Jul Added many new blitter functions.